“Regimental” beer steins commemorating one’s military service emanated from imperial Germany and go back to the late 19th century. Conscripts into the German military incorporated their service into a piece of iconic German culture, the beer stein. These were custom made, hand painted and specific to the unit in which the soldier served, along with his dates of service. Often, […]
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As Germany geared up for WWII, their standard side arm was the venerable P-08, commonly known as “The Luger.” Superbly crafted with a reputation for excellence, it was time consuming and costly to produce. A simpler piece, which could be mass produced, was needed. Enter the P-38 produced by the German firm of Carl Walther Waffenfabrik. Like the Luger, it […]
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When the big guns are needed, the call goes out for artillery. And those targeted by that artillery should rightly fear when the 155 MM Howitzer answers that call. One of the top artillery pieces of all time, its origin goes back about 100 years. Used by a host of countries around the world, it has seen action with U.S. […]
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Patriotic postal stationery has been around for hundreds of years, probably for about as long as mail has been exchanged between soldiers and folks back home. Its purpose was two-fold: first, to boost the morale of both the letter writers and their recipients, and second, to inspire all who saw it to work and fight harder for victory! The tone […]
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Given today’s political climate, it’s hard to believe there was a time in this country’s history when everybody seemed to be united and working toward one common goal. That time was World War II and that goal was Win the War. Ford, GM and Chrysler curtailed manufacturing of civilian automobiles for the duration, with 100% of production going toward the […]
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Anybody who served in the U.S. military between 1942 and 1980, especially in the Army or Marine Corps, will have “fond” memories of the “Ration, Combat, Individual,” or the “new and improved” “Meal, Combat, Individual,” as they were dubbed from 1958 onward. To the troops, they were simply known as C-Rations or by their more commonly used term of endearment, […]
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One consequence of today’s technology is the disappearance of traditional print photographs and photo albums. This is especially true when it comes to commemorating one’s military service. From the dawn of photography, cameras have accompanied soldiers wherever their paths led, whether they’re palling around during boot camp or grappling with the horrors of the battlefield. Dating back to Mathew Brady […]
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Every year, local papers carry sad post-Fourth of July stories about folks injuring themselves with fireworks, despite the pervasive warnings and instructions that circulate in the days and weeks before. Far less common but far more devastating are the occasional tragedies that occur when vintage explosive ordnance is mishandled. A few years ago, a California school teacher found a 40MM […]
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Ask anybody who has ever been in the military, and they will tell you wearing a uniform is serious business. Everything must be exact to regulations and that uniformity must be across the board. There is no individuality when it comes to wearing the uniform of one’s branch of service. Woe be it to the Marine who does not have […]
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The practice is as old as aviation itself: the personalization of aircraft by painting a name or unique design on an aircraft’s fuselage. Since these depictions often appeared on the front of the aircraft, they became known as “nose art,” and to a certain extent, the practice continues to this day. The origin seems to center around WW l. America’s […]
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