Lifting the veil on Chinese, Soviet threats

Museum First Vice President Joseph Troiani will deliver his second annual non-classified national security briefing at 3 p.m. on Sunday, August 27. Troiani held a capacity crowd spellbound last April, detailing the risks to world peace posed by Russia and China and offering chilling accounts of their expansionist philosophies and tactics. The retired Navy Commander will bring new attendees up to speed at this year’s briefing, then offer his audience the latest non-classified intel on the topic. An Associate Professor of Psychology at Adler University in Chicago, Troiani served for 32-1/2 years in the Naval Reserve Intelligence Program.

The Italian American Veterans Museum is located on the third floor of the Office Center at Casa Italia in Stone Park. Parking is available at the corner of 37th and Division and behind the Italian Cultural Center on 39th between Division and Soffel. The museum will be open for viewing at 2 p.m. with light refreshments available, and the presentation will begin at 3 p.m. sharp.

Admission is free, but donations are welcome, and RESERVATIONS ARE A MUST. Please call 708-338-0690 or email and leave your name, phone number and the number of people in your party.

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