Podcast shines light on dedicated Veterans volunteer

Podcast host David Diaz is a former Marine who is shining a light on military Veterans who have become entrepreneurs and embarked upon successful post-military careers.  His podcasts allow them to share their experiences, not only in the military, but on adjusting back to life outside of the military, including dealing with the VA.

This particular podcast should be viewed by all Veterans and their family members as well. Diaz interviews Jane Babcock, a retired Army Veteran with 21 years of service who in civilian life is a retired Veterans Service Officer and a Veterans and widow(er)s benefits educator and volunteer.

She has dedicated her post-military career to helping Veterans and their families obtain the benefits they earned and are entitled to through the VA. Far too often, Veterans do not know they are entitled to benefits and this is especially true of their family members. Some of these benefits may even extend to their spouses and children. Babcock also cites instances where Veterans who received discharges other than honorable may be eligible for certain benefits.

While dealing with the Veterans Administration can be a frustrating experience, Jane Babcock helps cut through the fog and clear the deck. She may be reached on LinkedIn or on her cell phone at 920-645-3235.

To view the podcast, click here.


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Steve Corbo

A founding member and corporate secretary of the Italian American Veterans Museum, Steve Corbo is the museum’s curator and a military consultant for Fra Noi. He has served for 25 years as president of S.A. Corbo & Associates Inc., providing professional liability insurance to health care providers. The son and nephew of World War II veterans and a passionate military historian for over 50 years, he has written and published articles on a variety of topics, including military history, and serves as the military consultant for Fra Noi, the Chicago-area Italian-American magazine.

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